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Lesson Study for Special Needs and Inclusive Education

Lesson Study

To Develop Teaching Approaches

This paper discusses how a design-based research approach was used to refine the use of Lesson Study in a project focussing on teaching secondary aged pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD).

The study refined the Lesson Study methods in terms of the evaluation of the contexts, processes and outcomes of the Lesson Studies undertaken over two phases. The findings suggest beneficial outcomes for pupils and teachers while outcomes for schools remain more complex. The study shows that various contextual factors are critical if Lesson Study is going to become a sustained commitment in schools.


  • Lesson study process examined in 29 secondary schools over a 2-year period.
  • Design-based lesson study research approach used.
  • Lesson study resulted for improvements in pedagogy.
  • Lesson study can benefit learning of pupils who have special educational needs.
  • Contextual factors were important for successful lesson study implementation.

Teacher reported outcomes from using Lesson Study with pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)

(scale: 1-4)

Norwich, B. and Ylonen, A. (2013)

LS Resources


Norwich, B. and Ylonen, A. (2013) Design based research to develop the teaching of pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD): Evaluating lesson study in terms of pupil, teacher and school outcomes. Teaching and Teacher Education 34, 162-173

Norwich, B. and Jones, J. (2014) Lesson Study: making a difference to teaching pupils with learning difficulties (eds.) London: Continuum Publishers.