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Lesson Study for Special Needs and Inclusive Education


Publications about using LS for special needs and inclusive education.

Ylonen, A. and Norwich, B. (2012) Using lesson Study to develop teaching approaches for secondary school pupils with moderate learning difficulties: teachers’ concepts, attitudes and pedagogic strategies. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 27, 3, 301-318

Ylonen, A., & Norwich, B. (2013). ‘The Lesson Study process: how it works and what it offers. Lessons from a development and research project in England’. International Journal of Lesson and Learning Study Vol. 2 No. 2, 137-154.  pp 137-154

Norwich, B. and Ylonen, A. (2013) Design based research to develop the teaching of pupils with moderate learning difficulties (MLD): Evaluating lesson study in terms of pupil, teacher and school outcomes. Teaching and Teacher Education, 34, 162-173

Norwich, B. and Jones, J. (2014) Lesson Study: making a difference to teaching pupils with learning difficulties (eds.)  London: Continuum Publishers.

Norwich, B., Dudley, P. and Ylonen, A. (2014) Using Lesson Study to assess pupils’ learning difficulties International Journal of lesson and learning Studies, 3,2 197-207

Norwich, B. and Ylonen (2015) A design-based trial of Lesson Study for assessment purposes: evaluating a new classroom based dynamic assessment approach. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 29(2):259-261 (DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2015.1009702)

Norwich, B. and Ylonen (2015) Lesson Study practices in the development of secondary teaching of students with moderate learning difficulties: a systematic qualitative analysis in relation to context and outcomes. British Educational research Journal DOI: 10.1002/berj.3167

Norwich, B. (2015) Educational psychology, neuro-science and Lesson Study: how translating research knowledge into practice requires teacher research. Knowledge Culture (special issue on Educational psychology) 3(2), 172-191

Norwich,B., Koutsouris, G., Fujita, T., Ralph, T., Adlam, A. and Milton, F. (2016) Exploring knowledge bridging and translation in lesson study using an inter-professional team International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies Vol. 5 No. 3, 2016 pp. 180-195

Koutsouris, G., Norwich, B., Fujita, T., Ralph, T., Adlam, A. and Milton, F. (2017) Piloting a dispersed and inter-professional Lesson Study using technology to link team members at a distance Technology, Pedagogy and Education, DOI 10.1080/1475939X.2017.1364290.

Norwich, B., Fujita, T., Adlam, A., Milton, F. and Edwards-Jones, A. (2018)  Lesson study: an inter-professional collaboration approach for Educational Psychologists to improve teaching and learning. Educational Psychology in practice (in press).

Lesson Study examples: for SENCo and Educational Psychologist use

Case 1 LS summary to download

Case 2 LS summary to download

Case 3 LSfA summary to download

Other relevant references:

Schipper, T., Goei, S. L., De Vries, S. and  S. and  Van Veen, K.  (2017)  Professional growth in adaptive teaching competence as a result of Lesson Study. Teaching & Teacher Education. Vol. 68, p289-303.

Regan, K.S.,Evmenova, A. S., Kurz, L. A., Hughes, M. D., Sacco, D. A., Soo Y., MacVittie, N., Good, K., Boykin, A., Schwartzer, J. and  Chirinos, D.S. (2016) Researchers Apply Lesson Study: A Cycle of Lesson Planning, Implementation, and Revision. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice Vol. 31 Issue 2, p113-122.

Roberts, C. A., Benedict, A. E., Kim, S.Y., Tandy, J. (2018)  Using Lesson Study to Prepare Preservice Special Educators. Intervention in School & Clinic. Vol. 53 Issue 4, p237-244

Mutch-Jones, K., Puttick, G. and Minner, D. (2012) Lesson study for accessible science: Building expertise to improve practice in inclusive science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Vol. 49 Issue 8, p1012-1034